redSHOP 3.x

Build Status Scrutinizer Code Quality

redSHOP 3.x is a major release and breaking change version, including a lot of enhancement in core and bugs fixes. The new version is opened for people to contribute new features, bugs fixes, improvements.


Code Standard

redSHOP >= 2.1.5 follow PSR-12 code standard for PHP development instead of Joomla standard which is outdated and not work with PHP_Codesniffer 3.x

IDE integration


DB Change

There are an MySQL Workbench DB Model file in src/db/redshop.mwb. When need some changes in DB structure:



Twig template engine support

How to avoid twig confliction with an other component

Using Gulp build system

Before you can run any Gulp command you need to:

Using NodeJS version >= 10 on redSHOP

Gulp 4 support

Version and other information can be set in gulp-config.json file.

To Release component and create .zip file

Use this command to release component. Version and other information can be set in gulp-config.json file.

gulp release:component

To Release modules and create .zip file

gulp release:module

To Release plugins and create .zip file

gulp release:plugin

This command will read the base directory and create zip files for each of the folder.

=== Switches ===

Pass an argument to choose different folder

--folder {source direcory}  Default: "./plugins"

Pass an argument to change suffix for extension

--suffix {text of suffix}   Default: "plg_"

Example Usage:

 gulp release:extensions --folder ./modules --suffix ext_

Languages & translation



$ git log –oneline –after={2013-04-18} –no-merges –name-only grep ‘plugins\/.*’ cut -d/ -f2,3 sort uniq

Or Compare across versions

git log –oneline 1.4/dev19…develop –no-merges –name-only grep ‘plugins\/.*’ cut -d/ -f2,3 sort uniq > /var/www/packages/plugins.log

Note: to match the plugins with it’s compatible core version see


$ git log –oneline –after={2013-04-18} –no-merges –name-only grep ‘modules\/.*’ cut -d/ -f2,3 sort uniq

Or Compare across versions

git log –oneline 1.4/dev19…develop –no-merges –name-only grep ‘modules\/.*’ cut -d/ -f2,3 sort uniq > /var/www/packages/modules.log


Update Changelog

git log –oneline 1.4/dev25…develop –no-merges –format=”* %s ( %h )” > /var/www/packages/changelog2.log


See: testing redSHOP